
I’ve been working formally with paper since 2017 (and this is my artist statement).

As an artist, my work is rooted in a minimalist design aesthetic and a genuine love of paper. I am inspired by nature and strive to capture its complexity and beauty with the simplest of elements—such as circles and lines. I work solely with paper because I see it as a humble, versatile and beautiful medium. Throughout history it has served as a vessel for documenting, spreading and sharing our greatest ideas. Paper has thread together the breath of human thought from science, art, culture and history, to meaningful personal narratives. But I believe paper can be more than just a vessel. I believe it can be both the story and the storyteller in a work of art. Much of what I do is fueled by a curiosity to understand how paper strips that are adhered on edge interact with their environment. I am intrigued by the ways in which they come to life when they are pushed beyond the flat surface, into the three-dimensional world of light and shadow.

Thanks for visiting!